
11 Large U-Hauls' Worth of Sewage Going in Ocean Every Month from Homeless Living in RVs: Insider


A disturbing report is putting the issue of homelessness in America’s liberal utopia into a new and frightening perspective.

On Saturday, The Epoch Times reported that massive amounts of sewage from homeless people living in recreational vehicles in Southern California are going into the ocean every month.

“Nine thousand gallons [of sewage] a month are going into the wastewater system. That’s the storm drain system, not the sewer. The storm drain carries it straight to Santa Monica Bay,” Barry Coe, who used to own an RV business, told the outlet’s Siyamak Khorrami on “California Insider.”

Bear in mind, he was referring only to the 600 RVs occupied by homeless people in the Harbor Gateway area in southern Los Angeles. There are more than 9,000 homeless people living in 6,800 RVs in the entirety of Los Angeles County, the LA Homeless Services Authority reported last month.

According to Coe, that translates to roughly 102,000 gallons of sewage flowing into the ocean every month from these RVs — the equivalent of 11 large U-Hauls worth of sewage.

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Remember, all this waste is not going into the sewer, it is going through storm drains straight to the ocean, contaminating not just the water but Southern California’s world-famous beaches as well.

“I’m not talking about just going into the water,” Coe said. “You got to remember the water percolates into the sand, you take a walk on the beach, you’re going to get this stuff on your body, if there’s hazardous materials or bacteria.”

In addition, he said, these RV encampments are adversely affecting local residents’ quality of life. The RVs are often parked in no-parking zones, blocking traffic, and naturally, some of the people who live in them are resorting to crime.


“There are people that are buying these things from a wrecking yard … and they tow them out to the streets, and they control the turf,” Coe said. “If you don’t pay the rent or the protection money, they will burn you out.”

The picture painted by Barry Coe and The Epoch Times is absolutely horrific. Not only are these homeless encampments causing the usual problems that we see with drugs and crime, but now their lifestyle is endangering local residents.

Anyone with common sense would not be surprised by this. Homeless people, like everyone else, produce waste, and all that waste has to go somewhere. If the homeless cannot find a proper sewer to deposit their sewage, they will just put it in the storm drain or dump it in the nearest body of water.

And where are the environmentalists in all of this? They claim to be so concerned about pollution that is adversely affecting people’s physical health, but they are dead silent on this serious environmental issue.

But, then again, we should not be surprised. After all, this is California, America’s great progressive experiment.

Facebook Being Used to Facilitate Illegal Immigrants' Infiltration of the US, from Border Crossing to Fake Work Credentials: Report

Under Gov. Gavin Newsom and the other leftist leaders that have dominated the state for decades, the once-flourishing Golden State has become a shadow of its former self.

Lax enforcement of the laws and seeming indifference to the problems plaguing the cities have allowed these disgusting conditions to flourish, not only in California but in other liberal states and cities across the country.

Is it any wonder, then, that people are fleeing these areas in large numbers? After all, they have become practically unlivable.

California’s leaders need to immediately address the issues that have led to conditions like this in their state; otherwise, it is headed for disaster.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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