
100 Days Into Joe Biden's Presidency and Hunter Biden Still Owns Stake in Chinese Firm: Documents


Hunter Biden still owns stake in a Chinese private equity firm part-owned by the communist regime’s state bank.

Because of course, he does.

The Daily Caller News Foundation broke the story this week that the younger Biden, whose sordid history would no doubt have ruined his father’s future political prospects if our nation could boast an honest media establishment, has yet to unload his shares in the firm that we were assured he would no longer own once his father President Joe Biden was in the White House.

The outlet reported that “Hunter Biden holds a 10% equity stake in BHR Partners through his company, Skaneateles LLC, according to Qixinbao and Baidu, two independent services that provide business records on Chinese corporations based on China’s National Credit Information Publicity System.”

However, in Iowa in 2019, now-President Biden vowed that “No one in my family will have an office in the White House, will sit in on meetings as if they are a cabinet member, will, in fact, have any business relationship with anyone that relates to a foreign corporation or a foreign country.”

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“Period. Period. End of story,” he added.

It was not, it appears, the end of the story.

Not only does Hunter still own stock in a Chinese company, but it’s also a Chinese company that’s part-owned by the Bank of China, the authoritarian regime’s state-run financial institution.

“BHR is co-owned by the Chinese state-controlled Bank of China, the business records show, and manages the equivalent of $2.1 billion in assets, according to its website. Hunter Biden acquired his 10% stake in the firm with a $420,000 investment in October 2017, according to a statement released by his lawyer in October 2019,” the DCNF explained.


Yeah, this looks pretty bad. But never fear — the White House was on the case, and when asked for a comment from Fox News pointed them helpfully to the fact that Biden’s press secretary Jen Psaki pinky-swear promised us in February that Hunter is totally “working” on it, so don’t worry.

“He has been working to unwind his investment, but I would certainly point you — he’s a private citizen,” Psaki said in February, according to Fox.

“I would point you to him or his lawyers on the outside on any update.”

That certainly answers the question as to whether the White House has taken the public stance that Hunter Biden totally shouldn’t own a stake in a Chinese Communist Party-linked firm and absolutely will unload it, but does little to assure us that Hunter Biden actually no longer owns this share.

Because I mean, at issue here is the fact that he, uh, still…owns it.

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Now, this goes without saying, but we’ve got to stress it anyway: if President Donald Trump’s family had held stock in a firm part-owned by a communist authoritarian regime with whom his father was negotiating foreign policy, the relentless scrutiny into every corner of his administration would have been well warranted.

As a candidate, Trump’s campaign was spied on by the FBI, as a president, the subject of a nearly two-year special counsel investigation, he was impeached — twice — and the Democrats floated removing him under the 25th Amendment more times than I care to remember.

This was all unprecedented and shocking, but it was made all the more so by the fact that often it seemed, the whole time, his political enemies were chasing their own shadow at best — engaged in a historically corrupt coordinated political attack at worst.

Aside from a meeting Donald Trump Jr. briefly attended during the 2016 campaign (that was more likely a set-up on the part of the Clinton campaign and the DNC than not) and a hypothetical Moscow Trump Tower that was never constructed, President Donald Trump’s family, despite the harsh light shone on them through the whole of the campaign and presidency, were never found to have committed any grievous impropriety.

In fact, if you’ll recall the first time the Democrats impeached Trump (I know it feels like eons ago now, but it’s actually what everyone was paying attention to when the coronavirus began to spread around the globe) it had much to do with the Trump camp’s interest in finding out more about the notorious Hunter Biden and his business connections overseas.

Of course, that’s not what they wanted us to focus on at the time, and it’s certainly not what they want us to focus on now.

But now, without the big, loud orange scapegoat for all life’s ills in the way anymore, it is significantly more conspicuous that Hunter Biden and his business dealings still remain in the wake of his tumultuous departure from Washington, D.C.

Of course, now that Hunter’s dad isn’t just the former Vice President … he’s the President of the United States and he vowed on the campaign trail that no one in his family would have any foreign business dealings overseas or take a position in his cabinet (as Trump’s daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner had done.)

Candidate Biden made his promise that his family would not be engaged in foreign business dealings, of course, because of Hunter’s history and his connection to it. This included highly suspect father-son official state trips to Beijing in Air Force Two that resulted in lucrative contracts for Hunter as well as the elder Biden’s bragging after he’d left the office of the Vice President about his having once gotten a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who just so happened to have been looking into the oil and gas company on which the inexperienced then-Second Son had sat on the board.

Again, I know we’re all just broken records by now but it becomes no less significant to ponder as we have a brand new establishment presidency to compare our boisterous former POTUS — can you even imagine if this had been Don Jr. or Eric Trump?

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

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